Something strange happened at my home today!!!!!
Now, most stories that have mysteries, have a conclusion with the answer in it.
I live in a little cul-de-sac. There are 5 units on the cul-de-sac.
We all recycle.
We are good folks.
We have blue bins and yellow bins.
We usually just put out our blue bins because that's just what we do.
(Actually, my parents don't have a yellow bin.)
(They only have a blue one.)
(They are just squeaking by.)
(They like to live simply.)
We tend to watch out for each other,
and the first one down the driveway after the garbage guys pick up the stuff.
generally puts the bins back in our garages.
Today, when I didn't see the blue bins at the bottom of the driveway,
I didn't think any thing about it.....
I figured one of my wonderful neighbors had already put them away.
When I went to dump some new paper and plastic in my parents bin.....
and I didn't see their blue bin.....
I was very confused!!!!!
I started scurrying around, looking in all the garages for my folks blue bin!!!!
No one knows where they went.
They have disappeared.
I looked on and this is what it had:
Missing, off-track
absent, adrift, astray, disappeared, down the drain, fallen between the cracks, gone, hidden, invisible, irretrievable, kiss goodbye, minus, mislaid, misplaced, nowhere to be found, out the window, vanished, wayward, without.
I don't have an ending to this story.
I called the property manager, and he doesn't have a clue.
Who the hell would take our bins?????
AND NOW.....
This computer is acting up.....
The words won't stay centered on the page.
(See how they're slightly to the left, this is driving me nuts.)
I was going to write more about Connie's kitchen, but I just had to share about our recycling bins.
Now tell me the truth.
Are you jealous that my life is so exciting?????
Admit it,
you are,
you know you are.
On another note.....
my newest niece
(she just married my nephew Dan)
came to my house for the first time.
Now this was slightly unnerving because she is also Martha Stewart's niece.
Can you imagine the comparison?????
When I am in the middle of one of my creative spurts,
there tends to be #$% all over my house.
By my front door, just what you see when you enter my home,
is a whole pile of stuff for my niece Miriam.
I have her drapery rods and a lamp and lampshade and a box of toss pillow forms.
All crammed in by the front door, waiting to go to Miriam's house.
I'm sure my new niece Sophie's other aunt is much neater.
she won my heart, when she looked at my bedroom, and commented on how.....
(wait for it......)
I now have a new member of my family who appears to be really nice.
She even tried to laugh at my jokes.
She's also not bad to look at!!!!!
Not to play favorites, but my other niece, Julia, just got married too.
He's also very handsome.
And I'm not just saying that 'cuz he's now related to me.
On my next blog post, I promise to go back to decorating, but sometimes life just gets in the way of toss pillows, ya know?????
On that note,
Latah, Gatah

You are a stitch!!!! Such is the life of Betsy Speert!
I enjoyed this blog, it made me laugh. Paula
Sorry about the recycling bins. Nothing surprises me now a days. Your new niece has excellent taste. I absolutely l-o-v-e your blue bedroom.
I love your bedroom and I am glad your new niece approves!
You have a funny life. Maybe your recycling place is giving out new boxes???
Even with stuff piled up by your door, I bet your house is to die for!
From Virginia
Spooky...some one on a broom came to get those recycling bins...cuz they knew, yes they never throw anything "good" into those bins.. Just twere not me...hehe...even tho I may have been interested...Just saying....Bonnie in Wisconsin..I'm wearing a you will not know who I am......ha
Maybe the town collected them and will be dropping off new ones? They did that where I live. The bad part is the new ones are HUGE plastic cans on wheels. They take up all the room in the garage. I was just complaining about them to a friend of mine today. Love your bedroom. Blue and white is so soothing for a bedroom.
Oh boy, Betsy- I bet the fact that school is out has something to do with it- teen boys doing high jinx?
One summer I had a similar experience! Twice someone came onto my front porch,and took a antique ironstone dish that I had on my little table, and made off with a copper boiler- and to add insult to injury- took my favorite linen pants off the line in my back yard!! All pilfering ended when September rolled around..
Well, no comment about your recycle bins, but did want to say that I remember your niece, Sofie, from seeing her many times on MS's many different shows. I even remember her as a young girl baking pies. I learned a lot from MS and always enjoyed her shows, until she started having too many celebs on. Hope you find your bins.
You are so funny and I wish I lived next door to you! Not only would I get fantastic decorating ideas, but we could keep each other laughing. I could laugh at your jokes, and you could laugh at my decorating.
It's been a long time since I heard anyone but me or my sister say OY VEY!
I still can't get over that you all put each other's recycle bins away. That is fabulous and so neighborly. :)
I love the pictures you used to illustrate the mystery! I am also happy that my new computer brings your blog up right away, not like the old dinosaur (may it rest in peace). And the fact that you are now connected to Martha Stewart by less than 6 degrees....!
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