Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Answer for the Solution to the ipad Blogger Problem!!!!!

A few days ago my blog went to hell in a hand basket when I viewed it on my ipad.
The banner at the top of the page was blurry.
My pictures were tiny.
Then I noticed that this was happening to lots of other blogs too.
When I viewed it on my laptop, everything was hunky dory.
I did what I always do when I have a blog problem.....
I called Amy Chalmers.
She always knows what's going on in blog land.
This ain't good. 
no no no no no.....
I went onto a google chat room, and I got the answer.
I feel so smart and techie and with it.

If you want to see a blog the old way, and it's showing up all tiny words and pictures.
Scroll to the bottom of the ipad page and you'll see where you can click on 
"view web version"
Click on that and the page will reload the way it shows on a real computer.
(Another way to fix this is to go to the web address where you type in the blog name and change the m=1 at the end of the address to m=0, then hit return.)
(you just have to change the 1 to 0)
(that's how easy it is!!!!!)
(So for all the bloggers who don't read this post,
 and don't know how to fix this problem,
 you can still easily see it the way you want!!!!!)
If you want to fix your own blog and only have people see it in the original web version 
(with side bars and big pictures, etc.)
go to this website.... and it walks you through the really simple steps to fixing this upsetting problem.
Or follow my directions here.....
It's simply a matter of clicking on one button in your template setting to change it back.
Go to your dashboard and click on template.
You'll see two images:
Live on Blog.....and.....Mobile
Under the Mobile image you'll see a little gear
click on that and you'll be given an option of how you want to show your blog on a mobile device (ipad, iphone, etc.)
I clicked on 
No, show desktop template on mobile device
Then I clicked save.....
and that fixed it!!!!!!!!!
It's really easy.
Blogger must have switched everyone to the mobile setting as the default,
 you just gotts to change it back.
Good luck.
Hope this helps.

Later Gater


Erin~Just*Grand said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had noticed this problem too, and as usual for me, I just sort of thought I would wait and see if it fixed itself. Which rarely works... Anyway, I followed your steps and fixed my blog, too! Thanks a million! Love your beautiful blog.
Merry Christmas!

Amy Chalmers said...

Woo hoo!! I know you called me about this and I was too busy to try and figure out what you were telling me to do to fix this problem, but this post is clear as a bell. I fixed it in 2 shakes of a lambs tale! Wow, what a relief as I like to use the iPad in the store to show things to customers on my blog links...and when the photos when to mini size it really stunk.

Susie said...

Thank you for researching this. I am only a reader, not a blogger, but I find it very annoying that blogger changed those settings. I had found the change to web version button, but I hate having to do that every time I go to a blog. Gr.

Lee said...

So my problem is that when I write my blog on my iPad, I can only add five pictures (which I email to my blog). Now, I suppose I could try to find my answer to this dilemma on my own, but since you had good luck researching your problems, I took the easy way out and am asking you....since you are so smart and talented and techno savvy. Did the compliments help? Ha.
My son was showing off my Christmas decorations to his girlfriend (using FaceTime) and said that she couldn't believe all my 'stuff'. So for a few hours, I felt bad about myself and my home... How do we determine how much is 'enough'?! Except that I love my home and y stuff...but perhaps it is time to

Shingle Cottage said...

Great post Betsy!
I did this a while ago after my blog went crazy and showed up very strange on my neighbors ipad but i wasn't sure if it had fixed it all together,your post makes it clear as bell,thank you!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Thanks so much. I've been having fits with my blog, and I'm hoping that when I get a new computer, that will fix it. But this is great to know for the IPAD I'm on now. Much appreciated info.



Katie Mansfield said...

Thank you, Betsy. I have been getting anonymous messages for a while about the view of my blog. Hopefully this fixes the issue.

Divine Theatre said...

Wow. Handsome Husband was going to get me an ipad for Christmas. Not anymore. Who needs the grief?



Ggomez said...

Oh thank you! Wasn't sure if it was a glitch with blogger or my iPad! But I hated it! Going to fix now!

Chez Laurel said...

You da Bomb, Betsy! The world needs more take-charge women like you. Thanks for solving a world-wide Problem, this was bugging me to death!!!

Cathy and Paul @One Creative Couple said...

Thanks so much for fixing this permanently on your blog. I don't like when the blogs switch to this view and it's a hassle to switch it back. I really enjoy your blog and so appreciate your looking into this.

Christine said...

Thank you sooooooo much'

Jenny Wilson said...

love the way you have written this - so funny ! Now i just have to see if it works for by blog !

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