OK campers, today we start on a new room in my Massachusetts condo!!!!
You is SOOOOO lucky!!!!!
Across from my master bedroom is my little sitting room/study.
My master bedroom is in blue toile, so I used the same shade of blue in this room to create the feeling of a suite. Both rooms have the same blue rug, but the rest of the fabrics are different.
This is just a quick preview of my bedroom, so you guys understand where I'm coming from.....and where I'm going with my color schemes.....
OK, now that you've seen that, let's go back to my study....
I found a pair of French bergeres on ebay when I first bought my condo.
I had the guy I was buying them from paint the frames for me.
He got paint all over the fabric, but since the fabric didn't go with my scheme, it didn't matter.
I was planning on reupholstering them, but decided that the feel of slip covers for this application, was more to my liking.
The little love seat came from Pottery Barn. Since then they've discontinued it, and only sell the matching chair and ottoman.....
I have been struggling with just how to slipcover these chairs, because I really wanted to do a full slip cover that just showed the legs, but felt that would be a crime, since I like the wood frame.
So, I was tooling around blog land one day, and came across this post from Cedar Hill Ranch
Anita shows a wonderful tutorial of how she made the slipcover for her french chair and ottoman.
So I thought....
So, I ordered some of the white cotton twill that the loveseat is covered in from Pottery Barn.....,
and started cutting, pinning and sewing.
This is how I did it!!!!!
First, I drew a picture of how I wanted it to look.....
Then, I measured each side, and figured out how big the pieces would be, and cut the pieces out of the white twill.....
then, I labeled each piece, so my tiny brain wouldn't be confused, as to which piece went where....,
(didn't help, I'm always confused)
So, then I carried the mess down to my study to start pinning.....
I pinned the back piece to the back of the chair.
The cool part of doing this, (which I learned from Anita), is that you can pin directly to the upholster of the chair....
Make sure that the right side is facing in, and the wrong side of the fabric is facing you......
I clipped the seam allowance where the arm curved, to enable the fabric to follow the chairs shape.
Then I pinned on the two arm pieces, and pinned the back piece to the arm pieces.
Then, I removed the three pieces from the chair, and carried it up to my sewing room, and seamed the back to the sides....
put it back on the chair, right side up, to see if it worked.....
Yippeee!!!!!! It did!!!!!
So then, I turned it wrong side up, and started folding the sides over, to form the edges of the cover...
I am an idiot, I am an idiot, I am an idiot.....
I only show you how to do part of the project.....
let me tell you what I did, and you can use your imagination.
I sewed the deck piece to the inside arms and inside back.
I sewed the outside back to the two outside arm pieces.
Then I made the two arm cover pieces and sewed them to the front and back covers.
Now it was time for the little pleated skirt!!!!!
I got in my trusty Subaru station wagon, and traveled up to the sewing machine store, and bought a ruffler pressure foot......
(and a ton of other stuff, that I just HAD TO HAVE from the sewing machine store...)
so of course it didn't work!!!!!
The fabric was too bulky, and the machine had a hissy fit and kept on seizing up.
I gave up.....
Only problem was, by now, I had cut the slipcover short, thinking I was going to add a pleated or gathered little skirt.....
This is when you needs a plan B.....
I didn't have a plan B.....
Ah Oh.....
So I invented one!!!!!
I went into my supply of left over trims, and rooted around looking at anything that was blue, white or cream.
I found two that I felt worked OK.....
I couldn't decide which I liked better,
so I did one of each,
and will now change the one I don't like as much to match the other.....
I am a very good waster of time!!!
Yes in deedy do!!!
So, I added a welt around the bottom.
(what some of you guys call piping.)
(If it's on furniture it's a welt!)
laying in the pleats, using my little measure to set the distance and depth of each pleat.
Then I topstitched the trim to the bottom of the slip cover...
Then I ironed it to get the pleats to lay flat, and
Bob's you uncle!!!!
Once again, my post is getting too long,
so I will show you the different fabrics on Tuesday, the other skirt, and all sorts of other cool stuff.
Latah Gatah

Partying at:

so of course it didn't work!!!!!
The fabric was too bulky, and the machine had a hissy fit and kept on seizing up.
I gave up.....
Only problem was, by now, I had cut the slipcover short, thinking I was going to add a pleated or gathered little skirt.....
This is when you needs a plan B.....
I didn't have a plan B.....
Ah Oh.....
So I invented one!!!!!
I went into my supply of left over trims, and rooted around looking at anything that was blue, white or cream.
I found two that I felt worked OK.....
I couldn't decide which I liked better,
so I did one of each,
and will now change the one I don't like as much to match the other.....
I am a very good waster of time!!!
Yes in deedy do!!!
So, I added a welt around the bottom.
(what some of you guys call piping.)
(If it's on furniture it's a welt!)
To do this, cut the bottom of the slipcover 1/2" longer than you want it to be without the skirt, line up the 1/2" seam allowance of the welt with the edge of the slipcover, and stich them right sides together....
Then I pinned the trim to the bottom of the welt.....laying in the pleats, using my little measure to set the distance and depth of each pleat.
Then I topstitched the trim to the bottom of the slip cover...
Then I ironed it to get the pleats to lay flat, and
Bob's you uncle!!!!
I didn't want a pure white slipcover, so I used vintage barkcloth on the covers of the cushions. I didn't have enough to cover both seats, so I used one on the top, and a second on the bottom.
Once again, my post is getting too long,
so I will show you the different fabrics on Tuesday, the other skirt, and all sorts of other cool stuff.
Latah Gatah
Partying at:

Hi Betsy! Oh, I love your pretty little sitting room! So girly and romantic. You're so silly but you're so good! Your little chair looks wonderful and the bark cloth is just gorgeous! You can do no wrong in my book! :) Hope you've rested your most dainty little talented fingers after this job.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your sitting room is beautiful! Love the colors, furniture, and all the roses. Thanks so much for sharing. Warm hugs, Esther
Lovely! Beautiful! Romantic! Spectacular!
Well, Bobs you uncle, you did it, Betsy! And it's a beaut!
I don't sew and I still love you! You are so brilliant . . . can I buy stock in you? I mean it . . . you are a Star . . .
That chair looks AH-MA-ZING. Zoinks! You are one clever and capable lady. I wish I could move into these gorgeous rooms!
I just found you through You're Talking Too Much and am your newest follower! Great job on the slipcover-wow! I'd love you to visit and say hi :)
Congrats on a great job. It looks professional. Oh wait - you are a professional. I love the look!!!
Your slipcover looks fantastic. You're way braver and talented than I am. I would've made hash of it. Thanks for the tour.
WOW, Betsy! Great job! Love the darling slipcover and NO!,your post is NOT too long! Your posts can never be long enough for me!
You are quite a seamstress. Thanks for this. I have a love seat I want to do. It also has wood detail I didn't want to cover up. I woke up this morning imagining something to this effect but couldn't quite get there on my own. :)
I can't wait to try it.
Great job, as always. I've done simple cushion covers, remember "This End Up" casual furniture? Covered those cushions and a platform rocker-including the tabs with snaps I made button holes for. I was so proud of my beginner self. Nothing compared to this though.
Oh Betsy.....Love.Love.Love your sitting room. I could live there (we would be BFF's).
You have me hooked on cabbage roses....I am lucky to be located one block from a gorgeous designer fabric shop. I found a beautiful vintage looking cabbage rose upholstery weight cotton for only $7.00 a yard!!!!!! I bought 15 yards to sew a slipcover for a club chair and ottoman.
You inspire
Janet xox
The Empty Nest
I love this sitting room, and I love that fabric. I am re-doing my home in cottage and wanted to highlight the blues, but I found No fabric like yours. I absolutely love those blue fabrics, all of them! If I begged you would you tell me where you found them? Please, please, please. This room is stunningly beautiful, and I would never leave this room. So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sundays' Best - you always help make it a great party!
I absolutley love it! So talented! I am going to try and make some for 2 different chairs. I wish you had taken pics of it all, but understand it is easy to forget that when you are involved with your work. Thank you for the great idea. Your work is awesome Betsy! lin lbprich@bellsouth.net
So charming! I love the blue and white trim.
I am always starting projects and forgetting to take photos.
That really looks great, and I really enjoy reading your posts!
Darling sitting room! Love the vintage barkcloth overstuffed cushion!
...beautiful!...how did you get to be so smart...and talented...and funny... and all at the same time...and aren't we glad that you did...(get to be so smart...and talented...and funny)...blessings laney
Love reading your daily antics and seeing your beautiful work.
I tell you Miss Betsy you have STYLE!
Love it!! You is too clever.
Thanks for the tutorial..even though you didn't show all the steps ;-) Your description is great too! I'm getting up the courage to finally sew my own sofa and loveseat slipcovers. This technique is one I hadn't thought of!
Man,that is a LOT of sewing! I might have just used fabric paint and painted the fabric. Of course I've never done this either (I'm a scaredy cat sometimes!) but there are tutorials all over the web for painting fabric.
Oh it looks beautiful. You are very talented and I love your bedroom.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. You are very kind.
You're a genius! For someone who gives up,you sure do pretty finishes! I wish my giving up produced as much as yours. It's abolutely adorable. I got lost after the first pictures, but my seamstress credentials are iffy. I would need someone to hold my hand through something like that and probably sit in the sewing seat for me too. I would rather watch and see the great results, such as you have demonstrated. Lovely.
That chair looks so incredibly comfortable!
Such a cozy, pretty sitting room. I love the colors and really everything in it.
What a great job you did on the slipcover. It looks great and the room is beautiful too. I love your use of fabric and color in all of your decorating.
By the way, you are also very funny. I love reading your posts!!
Betsy, you GO GIRL!! What a rockin' project. I love the slipcover and you did a fab job with it. It's just gorgeous, and so what I skipped a bunch of photos too, oh well. Great job, and thanks for the heads up on your post. I've been away from my blog and everyone else's this week.
Think this is the first time I've visited you....WOW, what a post!!! And it could never be toooooo long for me!!! Great job, you are so brave and it turned out smashing....love the barkcloth....both rooms are stunning, I have to follow yu...hugs...cleo
What a beautiful sitting room. I think you did a great job on the slipcover. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Wishing you a grand week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
you are the master of slipcovering! it looks awesome!
Beautiful room and love the slips!
She's dressed so nice! What a great change without all the upholstery!
You did such an awesome job. Your home is gorgeous. I know the slipcovers were so much work, but they really make a great impact. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.
Beautiful!!! You are a fabulous decorator. The chair cover is so unique and adorable! I love it all!
Found you at POWW. I have a chair EXACTLY like this with beautiful down-filled upholstery, just want to make it fit my decor. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Your really rock, my friend! Gorgeous job, wonderful tutorial and fabulous fabric! Add to that uniqueness and wit!
Hope you will stop by for a fun glass bottle platter giveaway!
oh my word--gorgeous! i just love the fabrics and the SHAPE of that chair;you were totally RIGHT to leave the frame uncovered...i have a sweet settee that is wood-framed pretty but needs to be covered. you may have just shown me how to do it IF i ever get brave...and i am thinking of redoing my family room in EXACTLY the color palette you used on your sitting room but wasn't sure i could manage it. well, i may just try it after all! thanks for the boatload of inspiration! have a great day!
Your sitting room is amazing. Love that painting above the loveseat. The mix of patterns and colors in the room is just beautiful.
Love your sitting room, it looks very cozy and you did a fantastic job on the chair. Also love the sneak peek at your bedroom. The blue and white colors are so calming.
Betsy, Your sitting room is sooo LOVELY! Blue and white is my favorite combination that I never tire of. And the chair you slipcovered is adorable!
Mary Alice
What a unique chair! You did a fantastic job :)
Just gorgeous, Betsy! I love the color scheme and the art. Such a calm and cozy feel. You have mad sewing skills, girl! Your decor is always perfection! Love to have you link with us, too.
Wow!!! That is so pretty! You are clever.
I'm a non-sewer, but you made this sound achievable for me! Excellent tutorial...you did a great job! The room and chair are beautiful. xo, andrea
Brilliant! The room is perfectly charming. Thanks for the slipcover tutorial I am trying to work up the courage to make one for a love seat.
Oh, so cushy-cute!
It's lovely. Love the use of several fabrics. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
You always do an amazing job! Your sitting room is so pretty and that slipcover? Gorgeous! Love it!
Wow. I am totally impressed . Such a fresh updated look in slipcovers. Thanks for sharing this week.
So amazing. Love it!
Hopping by and following your lovely blog (FB, Twitter, Pinterest).
The Quiet Mom blogging @ Spaghetti with Meatballs Recipe
So pretty!! I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu
Great makeover. I don't normally like slipcovers but this one is fabulous.
Love your sitting room as well.
xo Ginger
NICELY, nicely done!!!!
I love how you went to your stash... I always do that... & I never, ever know what something I do, will look like until I am finished...
Great tutorial!!!
GORGEOUS chair makeover.
Thank you for linking it up at http://www.FineCraftGuild.com
Looking forward to seeing you again later today with another fabulous project!
Fantastic slipcover! Thanks for joining me at Home Sweet Home!
I featured you today.
Cheri from Its So Very Cheri
You are featured today at Potpourri Friday at 2805!
you clever sausage, fabulous, love it, that gives me some ideas just how to do ordinary chairs with much trepidation, but having seen yours gives me confidence, thank you so much for the illustrations.
Everything about your home is amazing. The chairs and the chair cushions. I love your taste.
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