When I went to winterize my cabin,
I gained a
whole nother floor!!!
Yippee doodle day!!!!
Not that my 9 foot by 9 foot master bedroom wasn't spacious.....
or my crappy little bathroom wasn't an ablutionary delight.....
but the true gift to an interior designer is
Now I needed to buy
At the bottom of the
new stairs
is the study.
I had
no good place
to install stairs to a second level, so I had to cut into part of my screened porch with a trapdoor entrance to the new level.
(This is another image I stole off the real estate agents website, so it's really blurry....)
Since the cabin is on such a steep hill, it was possible to go down a floor rather than up, and still be
above grade.
This view shows the new doors and windows of the downstairs addition.
(Another gem from the real estate agent....)
Before I added the downstairs,
the cabin just had little square windows along the side facing the lake.....
It was just dirt under there,
with a lot of spiders and creepy crawlies....
So when I added the stairs to the lower level,
I had my carpenter make a railing out of birch trees from my lot.
I guess the wood was still too green (ya think???)
because a branch sprouted from one of the vertical posts
it was installed on the porch......
I wish I had a picture of the way the trap door worked.
To make it easy to open and close
(because it was heavy),
I worked out a pulley system with a counter weight.
For the weight,
I had a
copper fish from a broken weather vane.
It blew off my house at the cape.....
(but that's another story....)
Since it was hollow,
my carpenter was able to add buckshot to make it heavy,
and we hung it on a hook,
like it had been caught right out of the lake!!!
Every time the trap door opened or closed, the fish went up or down.....
The trap door had to be really heavy because it was insulated,
and was clad with both the flooring of the porch, and the beadboard of the downstairs room's ceiling.
So, back to the first picture.....
This little room was my drafting area.
I set my portable drafting board on the table and worked my magic,
as I looked out over the lake,
why I was working in a vacation house.....
You can see Winston outside the window, standing up at attention......
That bear never caused me a lick of worry.
I just had to
Cuprinol him once a year.....
I discovered the floor lamp in a local shop and had the shade made with some vintage prints I found.
Not one to beat a theme
into the ground
one of the prints was of a bear......
(in case you didn't notice.....)
I like mixing fabrics, so thought I would be
very clever
and use two on the window treatments....
I fell in love with the star wallpaper from Osborn and Little.
Thought it was the
of style and flair,
so I used it in three different colors on the three downstairs rooms.
In case you can't tell, this one was
The hall tree was in an antique store in Wellsley MA for a
#$% load of money.
I lusted after this thing.
And lusted....
And lusted........
Well it didn't sell.....
and it didn't sell.....
So the dealer finally was willing to
('cuz that's what dealers are supposed to do!!!)
Yes, you're eyes are not deceiving you!!!!
I am one fashion forward babe.....
I was years ahead of my time.....
This picture was taken in 1993!!!!!
Before I sign off for today, I just want to share one more shot of some of my bears.
one more.....
I swear,
when I went away for the winter, the damn things would breed.....
There's no other explanation for how I ended up with so many.
It's not like I buy collections of stuff.
(By the way, this Tuesday, I answer some questions!)
(If I remember....OY!)
Latah Gatah

Partying at:

I gained a
whole nother floor!!!
Yippee doodle day!!!!
Not that my 9 foot by 9 foot master bedroom wasn't spacious.....
or my crappy little bathroom wasn't an ablutionary delight.....
but the true gift to an interior designer is
Now I needed to buy
At the bottom of the
new stairs
is the study.
I had
no good place
to install stairs to a second level, so I had to cut into part of my screened porch with a trapdoor entrance to the new level.
(This is another image I stole off the real estate agents website, so it's really blurry....)
Since the cabin is on such a steep hill, it was possible to go down a floor rather than up, and still be
above grade.
(Another gem from the real estate agent....)
Before I added the downstairs,
the cabin just had little square windows along the side facing the lake.....
It was just dirt under there,
with a lot of spiders and creepy crawlies....
So when I added the stairs to the lower level,
I had my carpenter make a railing out of birch trees from my lot.
I guess the wood was still too green (ya think???)
because a branch sprouted from one of the vertical posts
it was installed on the porch......
I wish I had a picture of the way the trap door worked.
To make it easy to open and close
(because it was heavy),
I worked out a pulley system with a counter weight.
For the weight,
I had a
copper fish from a broken weather vane.
It blew off my house at the cape.....
(but that's another story....)
Since it was hollow,
my carpenter was able to add buckshot to make it heavy,
and we hung it on a hook,
like it had been caught right out of the lake!!!
Every time the trap door opened or closed, the fish went up or down.....
The trap door had to be really heavy because it was insulated,
and was clad with both the flooring of the porch, and the beadboard of the downstairs room's ceiling.
So, back to the first picture.....
This little room was my drafting area.
I set my portable drafting board on the table and worked my magic,
as I looked out over the lake,
why I was working in a vacation house.....
You can see Winston outside the window, standing up at attention......
That bear never caused me a lick of worry.
I just had to
Cuprinol him once a year.....
I discovered the floor lamp in a local shop and had the shade made with some vintage prints I found.
Not one to beat a theme
into the ground
one of the prints was of a bear......
(in case you didn't notice.....)
I like mixing fabrics, so thought I would be
very clever
and use two on the window treatments....
I fell in love with the star wallpaper from Osborn and Little.
Thought it was the
of style and flair,
so I used it in three different colors on the three downstairs rooms.
In case you can't tell, this one was
The hall tree was in an antique store in Wellsley MA for a
#$% load of money.
I lusted after this thing.
And lusted....
And lusted........
Well it didn't sell.....
and it didn't sell.....
So the dealer finally was willing to
('cuz that's what dealers are supposed to do!!!)
Yes, you're eyes are not deceiving you!!!!
I am one fashion forward babe.....
I was years ahead of my time.....
This picture was taken in 1993!!!!!
Before I sign off for today, I just want to share one more shot of some of my bears.
one more.....
I swear,
when I went away for the winter, the damn things would breed.....
There's no other explanation for how I ended up with so many.
It's not like I buy collections of stuff.
(By the way, this Tuesday, I answer some questions!)
(If I remember....OY!)
Latah Gatah
Partying at:

Oh, you don't know what I'd give to have that cabin tucked away in the trees and a lake below! You lucky girl you!
Can't wait to read the answers to questions! That should be FUN!
A whole n'other room - well it just doesn't get any better!
I love it! Love the bears, the railings the whole thing...now I have to go backwards and catch up on hte posts I have missed while on vacay.
...love the little bears walking in front of the apple bowl...because they look like mine...love the color of the cabin...because it is the color of my house...love that you love your homes...because i love mine too...(actually...of course...i only have one home)...most of all...as much as i love your pictures...i love your writing...don't stop...blessings laney
Good morning Betsy!
I lurve reading your blog! Your flambouyant words of wisdom are hilarious and good-for-your-soul!! Your photos of all your creative endeavours are wonderful...better than a decorating magazine!! Please, keep bringing them on!!
Kind regards, Laura
I still love that starry wallpaper, and yes, I will comment on it every time you mention it!!
You must have really been patient waiting for the price of the coat rack to come down. My daughter graduated from Wellesley and the only affordable things in that town could be bought at the CVS. The antique stores had prices that would singe my eyeballs.
How can it be possible that you have a blog and I wasn't aware of it??! As a former decorator, now writer, myself, I have to say that you were always a favourite of mine. I would eagerly await your appearances in magazines with my scissors in my hot little hand ready to cut out every photograph of your work. I still remember the tartan carpet you put in one gentleman's house. How I loved that! I'm over the moon to find you in the blogosphere and will visit you often. Your blog is going on my blog roll immediately! xoxo, Pamela, and Edward, too!
Again, enjoying reading more about what was one of my all time favorite cabin articles. I do hope you didn't unload all those bears and that you still have some.
Holy Mackerel! I tore THOSE pics out of the magazine for my "someday" file. I remember thinking at the time, that if I could ever afford to hire a professional decorator, it would be you. Still cant. BUT I'm happy I remembered your name, and found your blog today. I'll have to catch up on all your past posts. I'm a Florida girl....what part of the state do you now call home?
If that is not the cutest cabin!! Bears and all. I love the new level!!
Wow, I'm impressed. Never would have thought to do that whole trap door thing. Genius! and what a unique and welcoming space to work in. I can see that you had a lot of fun pulling this all together. Thanks for sharing this week on BeColorful.
enJOYed the tour of your home!
I think I remember a bathroom you did in that wallpaper. It was yellow, I think. I have always loved your rooms. They have provided so much inspiration over the years. I love your blog. It's like getting an issue of Traditional Homes a couple of times a week. :)
Let's Add Sprinkles
Wow, I am so into this summer home. Anytime your needed guess just give me a holler and I'll be there! Loving that trap door idea! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best.
I want a cabin now :)
Interesting finds (of various nature!!...) in that cottage! thank you for linking it up with us at our party http://www.finecraftguild.com/party/
Love that northwoods decor--what a fabulous getaway! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
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