Last year at this time I had been regaling you guys with tales of my niece's dining room.
Miriam and I had found 8 chairs for her dining room.
And I may have told her last year.....
that I would glue, paint, reupholster and sew pillows for
of them.....
So far I've done 4 of them.
This is not my fault....
no, no, no.....
Miriam is supposed to bring the undone four and exchange them with the ones I've
Here is a shot of one of the finished chairs....
But while I wait for her to bring the other 4!!!!!
I will now show off what I've already done!!!!!
We started with this.....

Don't they look nice????
Well they weren't!!!!
They were in horrible condition.
They were some of the most uncomfortable chairs
in the universe!!!!!
They had probably come from some school or business, because the way they were glued together in repairs was something baaaadddddd.
They had rounded plugs to cover the holes for the screws, which is a really tacky detail, according to Betsy.....
They're easier to install, because you don't have to worry about the face of the plug lining up with the chair frame.
So, I popped them out, and replaced them with flat ones that I sanded down....
Now they're ready for the paint!!!!
Milk paint to the rescue!!!!!
I used Miss Mustard Seeds new line of milk paint in Lucketts Green.
They took two coats, and then I added some details.
The one on the right had some cream chalk paint detailing.
I painted the edge of the top bar, the circle and the grooved lines.
On the back I added a circle outline by dipping a bottle cap in the paint.....
On the back of the top rail I wanted to paint numbers.
I couldn't find any stencils that I liked, so I used the Graphic Fairy's numbers that I printed out and traced.
But I still needed a No. and I couldn't find one, so I made one up, drew it out.....
So, then I tried to make my own stencil......
Well, that was a big fat failure.....
So I went and got me some of that white school house chalk and scrubbed the back of the drawing and traced it onto the chair.
Then I had to go and get me one of those there #2 liner brushes that I've been reading about.
The right tool really makes a difference.
So I hand painted the #$% numbers on the back of the chairs.
What a pain the the @$$!!!!!
And there are 8 of them.....
It's called Maison de Stencils!!!!!
Needless to say I have now bought a lot of stencils from them.
They are not cheap, but I like to spend my money on this kind of stuff.
Who needs diamonds when you can buy stencils???
So for the next four chairs, still to be done.....
I am going to paint them in cream chalk paint with Lucketts Green for the detailing, and use my new stencils.
I like it when all the chairs don't match.
YES I DO!!!!!
back to the chairs.....
I was interested to see how the milk paint would chip on the chairs.
When I used it on my dining table it didn't chip at all, so I had to help it along.
One these chairs it chipped too much, so I bought some bonding agent from Miss Mustard Seed and touched up the places that I felt were too distressed.
The picture above is what it looked like when it first started chipping.
It just went a little too far.....
The pictures below is how I got it to look when I was done.
Then I stripped the old fabric and padding off the old seats and added new 2" medium density foam, covered that in dacron and then put the new fabric on.
We used the fabric that matches the walls and draperies.
So here it is all painted with it's new seat.....
I like the way the milk paint looks....
Just a nice cottagey beat up look.....
But these chairs were still not very comfortable.
The backs just were not well designed for the human body.
So Miriam and I went back out to Calico Corners to look for fabric for the back pillows.
We didn't bring a chair with us, 'cuz that would have been too smart......
I thought that I could do it without a chair.
I am an idiot.
So we brought back several samples to try out.
I was looking for something in a green ticking stripe or check.
When we got back to my house and saw the fabrics on the chair, I realized what I really needed was a blue to match the background color of the main fabric.
Calico Corners was closing at 5:00.
It was now 4:00.
Calico Corners was a good 35 minutes away!!!!!!
Miriam and I went flying back out there.
Then it was like being on Project Runway at Mood.
We were given 20 minutes to find a blue that would work and buy it......
(Actually, the ladies who worked there were very sweet, and stayed open an extra 15 minutes for us, 'cuz we was freekin' out!!!!!
Well, we found the perfect fabric!!!!!
So, here's a picture of the chair with the new blue pillow on the back!!!!!
The fabric is this really pretty quilted looking stuff!!!!
I sewed the pillow with a flange ruffle,
and then,
stick a fork in me.....
I was done!!!!!
So the chairs went from this to this
I love them, they look like old garden chairs to me.
Now I just have to do 4 more.....
Latah, Gatah
Partying at:
They look just right! Still not sure I like the chipping paint...I be old. But love the fabrics and paint colors.
I have dining room chairs which I detest...but DH will not fund new ones. So...perhaps I need to consider new fabric or even paint. If you are ever in Michigan, please stop by and give some advice! LOL
Thanks for sharing!
Oh I love that green!! Love the cottagey look it gives. It's perfect with that floral. They are gorgeous chairs, very unique. Yes, I know, some projects give us a lot of grief, but when all is said and done, it's worth it. I think.
How lucky she is to have you to be doing all of that work for her!! But then, I have four nieces and two sisters and I love doing things for them.
The chairs look really nice. Good job!
what awesome chairs!!! just look at that gorgeous shape, and the paint lightens them up so much!
They turned out beautiful! Thanks for posting how you recovered the seats. I am getting ready to do a chair and that helped me...but I did have to look up Dacron...:) lin
Me likey! I think now the distressing is just right :-)
I LOVE what you did with those chairs!!!! The colours and texture are to die for! :D
Hi Betsy, Wow, you did a great job on your choices of paint & fabric. Love the result!
Wow Betsy they look amazing! i have got to get me some Luckets green its beautiful x
I love that you are going to do the other chairs in the reverse color combo~~!!! I think its genius! The numbers look fab too!
I love these chairs the colors are fantastic. I love the numbers too. You took my breath away.
Great job!!
Thanks for the tip about the wooden knobs/buttons to cover screws. I have seen these on many chairs, didn't know they were a bad thing. I am working on a pair of chairs from the 60's, two were missing and I replaced them. Maybe I should cut them level and sand. Since they were junkers from an estate sale I probably won't though. My hat is off to you doing EIGHT -- I lose patience quickly with four or six.
Great looking chairs, totally worth all the hard work. The pillows are so pretty with the color of the chair.
The chairs are beautiful Betsy. An incredible transformation.
These are beautiful. People think I am obsessed with distressing. But I think it makes furniture take on a whole new cottage comfy feel. Love it! :)
Gorgeous new look for the chairs, Betsy--I love their curvaceous look, and the fabrics you chose to go with the green milk paint are a lovely combination.
They look fantastic, makes me wish I had a sister who could help with a project this large. Your detailing is what sets these chairs apart from the norm. Thanks so much for sharing.
Great transformation. I love that not all of them will have the same paint combo, plus the pillow Whenever you photograph in this room, I fall in love with the rug all over again...I have wandering eyes...I love details!
Wow Betsy, the chairs are beautiful. So much work but worth it for that result.
your newest followers, Jeannie and Linda @ French Hen's Nest
Oh Betsy- you just crack me up! (no, not literally) When I read your blog I laugh out loud, I don't know if it is this blog or one for Marian's dining room, but, I think like you do, 'anything to hold over their head', so funny.
I have like 20 projects (no kidding) and I can't (won't) get off of my a%$ and get them done. My problem is I get all of my materials - paint, fabric, furniture, etc. but, and this is the honest to me truth, I don't want to start anything, because if I don't finish it, my BFF (husband), will nag, now aren't we supposed to be the ones who nag?!?!? he will nicely nag me cause he doesn't like to pi$% me off. We just moved here to a newer bigger house in April, and I need to figure out everything. ok you are probably tired of reading me bit#h. Have a good day. ps I like chalk paint better than milk paint, how about you? (I won't tell mms) Paula
Hi Betsy,
Love what you have done to your chairs! They look fabulous! Your newest follower!
Gorgeous! I love the shape of the chair. I'm now following your blog.
GORGEOUS! Beautiful green!
The chairs turned out amazing - love them in luckets green - and the pillows you made are perfect to go with the chairs. BTW you did a great job with the numbers on the back.
Stunning! Thanks for the stencil link!
Wow! Great colour, great seat, great pillow!
Haven't tried chalk or milk paint. Don't really like chippy but do like some distressing.
If you're ever in London, ON Canada, I'll let you be my Aunt and you can give me some inspiration!! :-)
Thanks for a great post. I've just signed up to follow you via email, Linky Followers and Pinterest (I like to cover all my bases.).
Have a great weekend,
Love the color and all the detailed extras that you always include. gorgeous chairs!
Your chairs look great! I love the green.
Linking from Mod Mix Monday,
Ricki Jill
Absolutely beautiful job! I love the chairs!
Oh man, what a story. I enjoyed it. The chairs... mmm... sounds like you are a really good friend to Miriam!
Thank you for sharing your story & chair makeover on the blog in the linky 'Time for a Party'.
btw. We'll have a new party tomorrow! Hope to seeing you again!
Betsy, this story is wonderful and the chairs turned out even better - love that color! I'll check out that stencil site! I will be featuring your post this week and appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
Hahaha, Betsy I'm still laughing with you! lol You sound so much like me doing things the hard way first. I love the chairs! So vintage/beachy looking and in such a soothing color. I'm a new follower. I'd love you to come by and share at Totally Transformed I hope to see you there. :-) Peggy
The chairs look genuinely old! Thank you so much for sharing at my party. I am sharing tomorrow! -K
Great color and the numbers bring a sense of fun to them. Thanks for sharing on beColorful.
I love this! This is just amazing!
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