Today I will show the class how I designed my little pocket terrace, and transformed a sad small space into a cozy retreat for doing
When I first bought my condo, this is what the terrace looked like.....
This is the view from the master bedroom, before I changed the sliding door to a window.
I pulled out all the existing shrubbery and replaced it with greenery that would do a better job of defining and screening the space.
Now that I've replanted, I can't see the houses behind me.
I can pretend I live all alone
on a
secluded estate!!!!!
True to form.....
I had a better before shot, which I can't find.....
Here's a shot I just tried to take out my bedroom window from the same angle and location.....
I know, I know....
What amazing camera work.
Betsy doesn't wash her windows!!!!!!!!!
So, I pulled out everything except the Japanese maple in the corner.
Then I fixed the traffic flow problems.
With 2 sliding doors opening onto the little space,
furniture arrangement was problematic.
Yeah, Yeah, I know.....
most folks love the idea of doors opening from the master bedroom onto a terrace.
I want my home invaders to have to work a little harder to get at me.
they need to climb up and over the window sill.
I lined the space with emerald arborvitae.
They make a terrific hedge material.
They have a compact growth structure,
so are less apt to be damaged by snow.
They don't need a lot of pruning, just once every year or so.
In the picture below, you can see how they looked the first year I had them planted.
They have now grown together to form a solid wall of green.
This is a really good screening material you guys.
Before my folks bought the unit next to mine, I had the sofa set with its back to the fence.
Here's a picture shot through the screen door.
I was too lazy to get up and open the door.
You should just be happy that I have the energy to tap my dainty fingers on these here computer keys.....
Then my folks moved in, and I had a gate cut into the fence separating the two terraces.
When I bought the place, the bluestones covered more of the area, leaving smaller flower beds and more hard surface.
so I had the foundation beds and the perimeter planting beds enlarged to 5 feet deep.
I also had the bed cut into the terrace for my black iron dog.
Bringing more green scape into the space makes a big difference.
If you have too much hard surface, it acts as a heat sink, and creates a very warm and uncomfortable space in the summer.
By enlarging the flower beds, I was able to plant my peonies and day lilies.
I chose ones that have a simple blossom, not a multi-petal rain catcher that causes the blossoms to collapse over after a shower.
Look at how the arborvitae have grown up and together, completely blocking the view of my neighbors.
Look at how the arborvitae have grown together,
completely blocking a view of my parents!!!!!
I love my arborvitae.
They are my friends.
They love me too.
Latah, Gatah