OMG, the reason I've been MIA, FYI is because I've been playing around with some new scrap booking software called My Memories Suite. I'm not a scrapbooker, having always been one of those people that don't bother taking pictures of events or people. (Just rooms and still lifes). (My brothers and sisters take pictures, and I'm always standing around, bored, just wanting them to hurry up and finish, already)!
The company contacted me and asked if I would be interested in doing a give-a-way.
Welllllll.....I had to think about it, because this is MY FIRST GIVE-A-WAY!!!!! and I didn't want it to be something that was silly, and that no one would want.
So I thought about it, and realized no one else was exactly knocking down my door with offers probably a lot of my readers (all two of you) might enjoy the @#$ software, so I agreed to try it out.
I have been swallowed up in a black hole of time. The @#$ program is an absolute joy to work with.
I'm just learning how to do it, started yesterday, but here are some of my efforts.
I started out sweet (just like me)
Then I tried a couple of pictures on a page.
I played around with a different background paper.
Started getting the hang of it, and then I got a little crazy and trashy and goth!!!!
I elongated my picture, and I magically lost 10 pounds!!!
I need to figure out how to do the give-a-way, so I will let you know in the next couple of days. If you don't win the give-a-way, I will also have a code that if you enter it, (I will also figure this out) you will get a discount on the software.
Now, down to the rest of the questions from tuesday.....
Question #1
Ellis is freaking out that I didn't answer her question on Tuesday, so I will try to help here.
She asked: I think my
dining room could really be improved by changing the fabric on the chairs.
However, I have no idea what to pick. The room is not used very
much (Christmas, Thanksgiving, other large family dinners...) but it is seen
when someone walks in the front door. I am including lots of pictures to
show what I am working with. Any and all suggestions welcome! I think I
am pretty tied to the paint color since we have that dark trim all over the
house, but if you have ideas....please tell.
I think this paisley is just fine. BUT if this were my house, I would change the paint color of the wood work to white and get some color on the walls.
If you picked out the red from the paisley, and softened it to a deep dusty rose to paint over the chair rail, then painted below the chair rail in the same white as the wood work, it would give this effect.
You would be amazed at how the room would change. The window shutters would look like a million dollars and the paneling details under the chair rail would pop.
Another BIG advantage, is at night the light would bounce off the walls and bathe every old fart in the room in a lovely youthful glow.
As to it not matching the woodwork in the rest of the house,
That makes a nice segway into the next question
Question #2
She asked: Betsy,
Thank you SO much for hosting this fun and informative Q & A party! My
thumbnail pic to my post is #4 "Painting Woodwork". I have hated our
dining room since we moved into our house 8 years ago, but have been busy with
things like plumbing, wiring, etc. I want to paint the windows and trim a
creamy white (and change the wall color to something lighter and more cheerful)
but here is where I'm stuck. Can I leave the dark trim in the living room? The
foyer separates the living room from the dining room, but I'm afraid it will be
unbalanced. What do you think?
Your Color & Pattern book is one of my favorite design books in my collection and I would truly value your opinion. I could keep you busy for years!
To paint or not to paint...that is the question. :@
Thanks for your time, Vickie Vickie @ Ranger 911
Your Color & Pattern book is one of my favorite design books in my collection and I would truly value your opinion. I could keep you busy for years!
To paint or not to paint...that is the question. :@
Thanks for your time, Vickie
view into her dining room
view into her living room
If you make sure the two rooms relate visually, then you can have different trim colors in each room. HOWEVER!!!!!!!
What's with the baseboard being a different color from the rest of the trim in the room. You're worried about the trim in the two rooms being different, but not about THIS !!!!!!!!!????????
(and your question was so nice, and here I am being so mean. What can I say.....after all the advice is free!)
Question #3
Hi Betsy, I'm no 7 in your linky. I am thinking about repainting
the yellow and going to a creamy white? I have lots of gold framed art and
plates on the wall?
One of my 12 Projects for 2012 is to finish redecorating the main
guest room. One of the things I really need to do is place some type of window
treatments on the bank of french doors and flanking windows. The doors and
windows are heavily trimmed out and I love the way they came out thanks to one
of my heroes, Brian the great carpenter. Anyway, I have toyed with the thought
of just placing a decorative rod all the way across the top the of header with
just enough panels to cover the windows. I cannot use many panels as the space
at each end of the bank of windows and doors are not even. One side is wider
than the other..
I really do not want to cover the trim…so what do I do? I thought
about hanging woven blinds, but then it would cover most of the header trim. I
thought about pleated shades, but really do not like the look of that. We live
on a golf course and there are no homes that are in close range directly behind
us. In all of the seasons except the winter and late fall, there is plenty of
privacy from the trees. Well, with the exception of the nosey deer. In the
winter, you can see faint lights from the houses beyond. So, I really want my
guests to be comfortable with a real sense of privacy. So, that is my
dilemma..What type of treatments do I place on those windows and doors?
Okey Dokey, this is a really good question. (Not that the others weren't) (well, some were better than others)
OK, I'm just kidding. I'm getting punchy. Oy.
I had this same dilemma in my Sunapee cabin. Here's a picture of what I did.
These draperies are lined linen panels hung from rings without any pinch pleats at the top of the curtains. This way they can gather in a tighter smaller area when opened. It looks like you have enough room on either side of your windows to do this. I sewed a wooden wand to the lead ring that I used to pull them open and closed. These were my bedroom window treatments, giving me plenty of privacy from the bears.
I will be sharing the pictures and story of this cabin in a future post. OY there is so much to write about and share with you guys. How did I ever spend my days before I started blogging?????
Linking to:
These draperies are lined linen panels hung from rings without any pinch pleats at the top of the curtains. This way they can gather in a tighter smaller area when opened. It looks like you have enough room on either side of your windows to do this. I sewed a wooden wand to the lead ring that I used to pull them open and closed. These were my bedroom window treatments, giving me plenty of privacy from the bears.
I will be sharing the pictures and story of this cabin in a future post. OY there is so much to write about and share with you guys. How did I ever spend my days before I started blogging?????
Linking to:
hahahha!! So fun~free advice and fun answers!! Yellow~Creamy Ivory....Potato~potado!!!! I am dying over here! Yes some questions were more useful to us out here in blogland than others.
You're posts are too funny. I literally snicker and sometimes outright laugh when reading them. Love how real you are. Will continue to visit. Well done. liz
Haha! Sorry, the house came with the painted baseboard trim. I think it was done after the floors were refinished and after 8 years of ignoring it, I've forgotten my first impression of "Why would they do that?" I guess if I leave the living room trim dark I better get to stripping the baseboard trim, because it's PAINTED IN THERE, TOO!!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I've got my work cut out for me.
From the house of unsightly mix-and-match trim. :@ Vickie
So I'm a little impatient... it worked. I got an answer. Thanks! I love your ideas!
The scrapbook software looks interesting-though I am not a scrapbook girl. I enjoy the question section, I am really trying to learn and to trust my instincts. Study and trial and error - hope you will get to my question ....hope it is not a "bad" one! Yikes !
You crack me up Betsy ! Luv the q & a's ...Perhaps some day I'll submit one:)
OK Betsy, I am on it...thanks so much for answering my question regarding the window treatment. It never occurred to me to sew a wand to the lead ring. I see that all the time in hotel window treatments; however, never relate it for actual home use..Glad is was a "good question"!! :)..Your Sunapee cabin..was that the cabin that was featured years ago, actually Traditional Home, May, 1993? Yes I have an archive of favorite issues..Again, thanks so much for the great advice..
I am looking forward to your very first giveaway..I love all the images!..Especially the animal print!
You are a hoot, I'm enjoying the q & a's, though feeling nervous about ever asking a question- ha! :)
Hi Betsy--I love your blog and check in daily. I have an idea for a post that is much-needed: scale and proportion. From what I'm seeing a common problem is decorating with LOTS OF LITTLE THINGS and not enough big anchor pieces to balance. Maybe I'm way off base but I really think I'm on to something here. Thanks, Allegra
I hope eventually you will show ALL of your house projects! Of course I have the magazine of your Sunapee cabin - and lots of others, but I bet I've missed some along the way . . . .that's why I would check every so often and just hoped you'd blog some day. I did come across a brief blog via Traditional Home at some point and got pretty excited - but it wasn't meant to be I guess because it disappeared. THIS IS THE BEST BLOG! Well done you:)I do have a feeling that the more people discover you it could become overwhelming, but then again, you have the energy of five people!
Vickie... There is absolutely nothing wrong with the baseboard trim being white. In fact, it is very prevalent in many high end homes, especially where wood floors are present. There is nothing unsightly or mix-and-match about that concept. It's accepted practice. I think the trim is stunning in your home just the way it is...
I don't think that Betsy ever answered your question. My opinion of your trim is that it is spectacular. I would keep it. Maybe bring the dark color into the room as an accent. It will help the trim make sense and might even make it pop! For example...maybe paint the legs of the dining table or chairs or one of the pieces of furniture in a similar shade? Or paint a few large accents for the tabletop? I can't tell from the image how deep the room is, but have you considered rotating the table and placing a piece of furniture on the wall under the windows to firmly land the wall visually? Just my thoughts. Your dining room is lovely.
I now am sure that I chose the best name for this forum. OY VEY really sums it up!!!
BTW, I did answer this question, the answer is in the very first sentence of the reply.
Not for nothin', but this is MY blog with MY opinions, and they are FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When folks start paying for this service, then they can complain.....
Actually, not even then.
I just saw Lesley's 'decorating' reply - no offense to her - but I didn't 'tune in' to see HER opinion on decorating! It really DOES take all kinds . . . . actually I'm really ticked . .
Now I feel all warm and fuzzy! Thanks, Karen!!
You have a great sense of humor and I love your blog! I am hoping you get to my dining room (I sent an email with lots of photos. Just can't seem to get it right.....speaking of dining rooms, you did one in creams and rust toile in Traditional Homes ? that is one of my all-time favs!
You're the second reader today to comment on that house, so I think it will be the next big story I cover. I just need to finish the blue bedroom and the scrapbook give away and questions and answers. Then I'll cover the house you like.
Boy, this not working is full time!
Hi Betsy,
I love your blog, such a wealth of design information intermingled with a lot of laughter! Just what we all need. I've spent hours looking over the pictures of your beach cottage. Owning a beach cottage is a dream of mine that I hope will one day come true. In the meantime, I do have a question for you. Is there a correct way to cover a dining chair? The type with the cushion just on the seat. I always struggle with the corners, no matter how hard I try to tuck and staple neatly, pleats are always showing on the top of the cushion. There has got to be a professional way to do this. If you know, please share! Thanks so much.
Betsy, I am loving your blog. Boy, this could get like RMS! Don't let that happen. Some of those folks are just mean, mean, mean!
I love your answer about the white woodwork. I just "luv" white woodwork! Until I can afford quartersawn oak, walnut or some such fine wood, I will just keep the white paint paint handy.
I am too old to start scrapbooking. My master plan is to leave all that crap in big cardboard boxes and let my three children "cuss" me when I am gone.
If you find time in your busy (retirement?) come by to visit my dining room in my post
and tell me what you think about the colors and the draperies that I made.
I hope you are having a wonderful day,
Betsy, You should have drawn my name. I am and was a follower. I checked back through tonight until I saw my pic. Sooooo you need to pick me. I went over to My Memories Suite and chose Love Birds packet.
have a grat weekend, Ginger
I'm late to the party, story of my life, I swear! So Betsy, what I'd like to know is HOW you "sewed a wooden wand to the lead ring" on these drapes. Seriously, I'm asking about the practical method of attachment you used.
Love your blog and it's time for you to do a new posting, eh? It's been a couple of weeks.
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