I will start with the bedroom and then go back to the living room because.....I FOUND MORE PICTURES!!!!!!
I really need to get more organized, but I have soooooo many ('cuz I am the bomb), that it's hard to keep them all straight.
Here's my bedroom!!!!!
This is the view peeking in from the hall doorway.
The wallpaper is what was on the walls when I bought the house in 1977, I really lucked out.
The fabric is a Rose Cummings. I chose it before 1986, when NO ONE was selling cabbage rose fabric. I looked through the whole Boston Design Center before I found one that would work with my wallpaper.
So there!!!!!!!!!!!
All these photos were shot by Eric Roth
I really like the look of seersucker blanket covers. (I grew up with them.) They are a pretty way to cover the blanket to keep it clean, and I had this one monogrammed (althought the picture doesn't show it, but it is beeoutiful)
I had the bed skirt made when I had an old brass bed in this room, and then I found this wonderful iron one instead, so I changed it out (selling the brass one to a client), and put the bed skirt on the new bed. Weeelllll,,,, it was toooooo short. And you guys know what????? I LOVE THE LOOK OF A SHORT BED SKIRT!!!! Who knew???
God, there's a story behind every piece in this room......
I remember buying the night table when I was 23 years old, and living in Atlanta. I dragged it home all excited, feeling I had scored this absolutely wonderful antique. My roommate at the time (who didn't, and still doesn't like a lot of stuff) (what's the matter with her???) told me she was sick of me bringing more crap into the house. We don't live together any more, so I can stuff whatever I want in my homes!!! Bwa ha ha ha!!!
That's a picture of my Mom, when she was little, isn't she a cutey??!!
I bought the chest of drawers when I was just twenty-one years old!!
I got it at a jumble sale in Woodstock NY for $15.00. I dragged it back to college along with a cat. I don't know which excited me more.
(alright, the cat, but it was really close.)
It was my first "real" piece of furniture. Now I was a "real" WOMAN! I owned furniture! It was made out of wood! I was a rockin' babe!!!!!
In case you are just tuning in.....
I have been sharing pictures of my cottage living room that had been shown in House Beautiful. I found some more shots that didn't make it into the magazine, courtesy of Eric Roth.
Here's a shot you've already seen....
This is a better image though, because it wasn't cropped for the magazine. It shows the full gallery wall of art that I accumulated over the eons.
Here's another view!!!
And another shot............
I know, I know, more dogs.....Oy.
O.K. Now be good girls and boys (if there are any boys reading this, that is) and don't forget to check back for my Tuesday Answers, for Tuesday's Questions..... That's on Tuesday, by the way........
Did I mention to come back on Tuesday?
Of course I will be blogging more before then.....
So come back for that too......
Oh, what the #$&, just leave your computer on, set to my #$& blog.
I joined the party at:

Primp Your Stuff Wednesday
Your bedroom is so pretty...I also love cabbage roses.....
OMG, your bedroom was certainly lovely. I think that all the florals just scream warmth and comfort. And, it's wonderful that you have those pieces that you bought long ago.
Love your pretty living room too. I think this french english country look is timeless.
Love your bedroom. Gorgeous and you can't have too many dogs.
LOVE everything! And you are a freakin' hoot! ..OK computer at the ready so get busy Ms S! *winks* Vanna
I came over after seeing your bedroom posted by Vanna on Pinterest. I love your bedroom and your living room. I'll be visiting again. laurie
The bedroom curtains and wallpaper are very pretty. I love the pink bedspread~the seersucker one.? So pretty...I have two ivory seersucker vintage spreads for sale in my etsy...did you sew them together and stick a blanket inside??
As always I so enjoy your spaces! There is one thing that you said that really resonates with me - everything in this room has a story. That is what makes a space truly special and individual. It is much harder to do than simply walking into a furniture showroom and saying "I will take that whole set as it is shown". Truly a home not just a house! Thanks for sharing with us
Love the bedroom...everything about it! I also love cabbage roses..I love cabbage roses..I love cabbage roses!!!!
BTW...you crack me up...in a good way ;->
Janet xox
Swooning over that gallery wall!!
I like that everything has a story - isn't it wonderful when that happens? Beautiful rooms. I especially like your bedroom. Glad you kept the wallpaper!
It was great to finally get to meet the great "Betsey Speert". Thank you for your hospitality and fun tour of your So. Florida Cottage. You ARE the BOMB!!!
I just spent an hour looking at all of the amazing photos on your Badass Bungalow site. WOW! You are one talented designer! The way you transformed that Florida cottage is nothing short of amazing. May I ask what colors of paint you used on the walls in that house? They are all so fresh and fun.
I took a look at your blog Betsy and i think its so lovely .. I found you through jo Anne.. She too writes lovely blogs.
Your home is decorated divinely.. But then you have the experience as a designer and from what i see , a jolly good one.
I just love your bedroom.. well, all of it.. its delicious.
look forward to passing by again.
best wishes
Your cottage bedroom and living room are gorgeous!!! I love that bedroom, it is adorable!
Love your bedroom. I also love cabbage roses and have never been able to find any fabric . hanks for shareing your pictures.
Found you through 1929 Charmer and am now a follower. Love your decorating style! Gonna poke around your blog some more.
Gorgeous! I wish my husband would go for the look, if I put a knick Kanck out he puts it away. ugh drives me nuts
I'm your newest follower!
Your cottage living room makes me swoon! I love it! I'm following...cannot wait to see more and see what you are up to these days. :)
Found you thru My 1929 Charmer link party.
Your cottage bedroom is beautiful. I love that everything brings you memories, that make the room all the more special. Your loving room is also so beautiful, and to be in House beautiful, what an honor, and you must of been thrilled. Love that your not living with that friends anymore, cause i don't see crap anywhere so she obviously has no taste. Thanks for sharing your creativeness over at Sunday's Best!
PS - Now following you!
Hi Betsy, i simply love ur bedroom! Its so cozy victorian. I actually like the bedskirt alittle shorter too on a bed that sits higher off the ground....Stop by and see my DR makeover if ya get time.....Ide a professional opinion.........Bonnie
Hi Betsy! I've long been a fan of your work and your style. I'm so glad you have a blog! Plus, you make me laugh. I used to live in Boston from 1988 - 1991, know Watertown well, and seeing your photos makes me nostalgic for Beantown.
I might be remembering wrong, but didn't you have a cabin on a lake somewhere? Am I crazy?
So gorgeous! I love everything about it. The room is so inviting.
Oh my goodness. I love all your rooms, but this is by far my favorite, favorite, favorite! I could just move in here and never leave. It's so inspiring to see the mix of patterns together. I love cabbage roses so much, but I'd never felt confident enough to mix them! Now I will, thank you for that! I pinned this picture and have it printed out by my desk, too, for inspiration. Thank you so much!
I LOVE your bedroom! It's so romatic and full of Victorian whimsy!! (My husband and I like to stay at The Southern Hotel in Ste. Genevieve, MO and in ther Cabbage Rose room. So pretty!)
Came from Inspiration Friday.
I kept thinking,"Your name sounds sooo familiar" and then I saw a book I own on your sidebar and that you are the author! I love that book! I am your newest follower and look forward to more wonderful posts and catching up on previous posts.
Hello Betsy!!!!
I'm so glad I found you in Bloglandia. I seem to remember a magazine layout of a cabin in the Adirondacks you redid...how many years ago?? I don't remember nor can I remember the magazine, but it's one of my all time favorites. Do you remember which magazine it was??
Anywho, your bedroom is simply gorgeous and I loVe your style!!!
xoxo Cori
It's all so pretty, I love the way you grouped all of those old paintings with the amazing patina. Please stop by the Farmhouse Porch sometime!
What a beautiful beautiful home! I would love to live in that little cottage bedroom! I miss wallpaper :)
P.S. Your blog is lovely!
The bedroom looks like the perfect place to curl up with a book & read ... & nap ...& read ... & nap! LOL ...with a room that adorable, I'd never come out!
Simply gorgeous, Betsy! I love the charmingly sophisticated décor. My decorative style was quite similar...two houses ago. ;)
Thanks for joining Time Travel Thursday. Hope to see you each week. Be sure to stop in tonight, and see yourself featured.
Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
Your bedroom is so lovely. I really like all of the floral. Your living room is sooooo pretty. I think all of the dogs are a great touch. I'm so glad to have you at my Show & Tell party! I really appreciate it.
I love your beautiful cottage! The floral is so pretty. You've got great style! Glad to have you link up at my Show & Tell party!
Love the bedroom, the living room..I love it all! Thanks so much for sharing at my Show & Tell party.
Betsy, thanks for the fabulous trip down memory lane! We must be kindred spirits, as I started buying antiques while still in College. My first "real" job was running an antiques mall! Ironically, I just purchase the FIRST new piece of furniture ever last week at Ikea (the Ektorp sofa)! Love if you'd stop by my blog and check things out--maybe give me the old one-two punch of advice!
~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage
Love everything about this pretty bedroom!!!
Okay, I'm hooked..yup! Found you at Share the Love Wednesday and see so many of the ladies are here too..so I have to follow you..because...well, is there any other rose? LOL! beautiful rooms and you have the touch for sure...
Hello... I just love the cozyness of the bedroom and the cabbage roses. Wellll, let me tell you what I did, and I see now that I do need to ask for your permission to post the picture (1) of the bed (bedding). I did post it on my Pinterest page and just saw that I need your permission. I also posted where I found this beautiful picture. Please advise, and thank you. I follow your blog, but do not have any of the accounts mentioned below.
Gorgeous! Yep, that says it all! I'm heading out to see more, so glad to have found you...via Savvy Southern Style!!!
I love it all, every last detail!!
Hi Betsy, OK, I'm gushing here...thanks so much for linking up to my Vintage Inspiration party! Love your style, and love all the memories and stories that you share. Life's too short to have to live with people that don't appreciate our small "joys"! I'm going to feature this today on my VIF post, thanks again!
Oh my goodness, I just love everything...especially the persian rug in the bedroom. Love the cabbage roses so much too!
Your cottage was beautiful, no wonder it was in magazines! Your writing style is so refreshing too.
I love this room, too. What a great bedroom. And I love the fact that your furntiture has stories. I feel SO sorry for people who just go to a furniture store and point. The joy of the hunt makes the room so much more personal and meaningful. I think the only new furniture pieces we own are mattresses. ;-) Well, and a leather armchair I bought Mr. Magpie one Christmas because he complains that we don't have any comfortable chairs because they are all rickety and OLD. Was it Mario Buatta who said that husbands are the great destroyer of design? Oh, and we do have a pair of loveseats my mother gave us when we first married that are/were new. But my favorite things, again, are from the hunt. Loved your stories on these.
Is this a page taken from a magazine? Your rooms are picture perfect. I can see the traditionalism in your home. Your framed collections are also interesting.
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