Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Non Political Post

This is not a post to support either candidate......
for president.....
why does Donald Trump make comments about women's weight when 
This is not just in response to the last uproar about the beauty queen, but his ongoing commentary about women's looks.
I am so sick of men feeling they can comment on women's appearance's 
when they are far from runway models.
As a woman who is always battling my tendency to attract adipose tissue, 
I am sensitive to fat shaming.
Men on the other hand are blithely, obliviously, happily content with their less than stellar shapes.
He looks like he's been carrying extra poundage around for at least a few decades.
Can you imagine a woman with this kind of a figure making fat comments about another woman?
For that matter, can you imagine any public female figure making comments about another woman's weight?????????
I am always battling my weight.
Right now I am winning.
Next year, or month, or week or day that may change.
For women like me.....
We know every crevice of our bodies.
We know every extra ounce.
We are our most brutal critics.
(unless we are within the cross hairs of Trumps fat shaming radar)
This is like one big drunken fraternity party where the cool boys make fun of the "dogs".
I didn't like that part of college, and I don't like this part of the presidential race.
I wish we would just stick to the issues,


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am all too aware that I am no longer the girl who was called every skinny kid nickname in the book (yes, skinny shaming exists too). No, I was not bulimic or anorexic, just naturally skinny. Now I'm not. Life happened. Big Pharma happened. My body chemistry changed. I don't need anyone telling me. I know how to look in a mirror. Donald's digs either have magic ones or he needs eye surgery. Just sayin.


Mary said...

It's truly sad that he believes it's ok to talk about women they way he does but sooo many men do.

I dread the outcome of this race, both he and Hillary Clinton scare me.

bmayer said...

Thank You!!! I totally agree with you, Betsy. I truthfully dont like either one of them. Crazy ass remarks aside, I really dont know who would be better (or worse) for the country when improtant matters are at stake. Neither of them deserves my vote. I pray we make the right choice, but it's pretty slim pickins out there.

mizzy said...

How is your fabric line coming? And where can one buy it?
Middle of the night rants on Twitter are very dangerous for all of us. I walked through the park behind Trump Tower with him
A long time ago. He was very kind and very much a gentleman. I was coming from the D And D building to meet an antiques dealer in TrumpTower. He was very chatty. And I am no beauty queen. I find Her to be the most morally bankrupt woman on the planet. But who to vote for. ???????

Julie @ followyourheartwoodworking said...

And you didn't even mention his hair!

Jane Drake Brody said...

I have no idea why Hillary is considered to be morally bankrupt, nor dangerous. She has been the most investigated woman on this earth, hounded by everyone who wanted to destroy her. They have never found anything out of the ordinary political maneuverings. I think that people have simply accepted the memes put out by her enemies without doing any deep readings into them.

Donnamae said...

Well spoken Betsy...well spoken!!! ;)

Dolores said...

I don't know what's worse- his objectification of women as 'toys' that have to be a perfect 10 to be worth anything, or his cruel mocking of that disabled reporter.I would never ever vote for a man who has no empathy..( I'm with you,Jane Brody. :-))

Unknown said...

Thank you Besty, well said!

Dottie Mooney said...

Hillary has not spoken out loud for 30 years without hedging her bets....she manages to speak without saying anything that she couldn't walk back. She is the most disingenuous human being on the planet. Trump is a hot mess, but he would save us from the Clintons, and he speaks off the cuff, completely debunking political correctness, which is why we are in the mess we are in.

GSGreatEscaper said...

He is not a gentleman, he is a megalomaniac. If he is elected, it's the end of America.

Janice said...

Thank you Jane Brody, Dolores, GSGreatEscape and Betsy....... !!!! 💕💕💕

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

I guess he's just calling it as it is, at least he's truthful unlike that lying wench Hillary. Truth be told they could both losse about 40 pds but at least he has the energy to take on a huge job as President when Hillary seems to need a week of rest for each day on the road. I'll take truth over lying any day.

debra @ 5th and state said...

bravo betsy!
"truth" is how many accept his 7th grade rants and trash talk of others, particularly the vulnerable. do we not teach our children how to behave in the very opposite manner and call it manners? this is not tossing out political correctness, this is trash talk from an insecure narcissist who stands to represent all of us.
currently i am in europe and it is embarrassing, attempting to explain why half the country accepts this and why i do not

Cyndia said...

So much for non-political, as the comments attest! I don't think it is appropriate for ANY man, especially one running for the Presidency, to belittle and degrade the women as he openly does.

Anonymous said...

I think he is one of the most disgusting men I have ever seen. I HATE his hair and you are being kind when you say he need to lose 60 pounds, it more like 100 pounds.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree!! He's so narcisstic he doesn't see his own flaws-which are pretty well out there. He treats women without any respect or caring for their feelings and that will never change. Do I want someone as my leader who feels like this? NO WAY!! He's not running to help this country--he's only in it for the fame and fortune he can get away with. 'Make America Great' is his slogan? Well, Donald....America already is--and in spite of you.

Levelheaded said...

Perfectly written!
Thank you!

cllcraft said...

It's such a strange commentary that a mentally questionable man like Trump can debase women on a daily basis, and still have followers. When did this become acceptable to any rational human person? Is it that people are so tired, and revenge-minded at the current political system, that they are willing to destroy it all together by electing this man? So scary and sad that hate is so pervasive - a man that prides himself that he can be "even nastier" than his opponents....a win at all costs including civility?

Unknown said...

What a great post! I so agree!

La Vie Quotidienne said...


mray said...

Loved your blog, not political. Honest and to the point, the man needs a makeover! We women can be just as cruel but usually don't make these wicked comments about men,.....oops I was just dishonest like Hillary. I don't like either candidate.

bmayer said...

I was just wondering.....many people find Trump's words reprehensible (me too) but will that affect his ability to do the job as President? On the other hand, many people (not me) think Bill Clinton was a great President, but werent his ACTIONS against women MORE reprehensible than Trumps words? I dont like either candidate and am SO disappointed this is the best we can do.

cllcraft said...

To bmayer ...Many of our presidents were womanizers, but were protected from public knowledge. JFK was insatiable in his conquests, along with his brother and father. From some sources, the three of them even shared some of their women. Do we think of JFK as one of our greatest or worst presidents? FDR had a long-time lover partner that was at his bedside when he died. Eisenhower also had a lover. If you study history, you would be amazed at the hanky-panky that have followed men of power. On the flip side, it takes two, and some women actively seek men of power, whether they are married or not. I don't know many men who aren't blinded by the light when beautiful women throw themselves at them, or entice them. Go back to the founders of our country - they were dogs when it came to women. It doesn't make it right, or acceptable in todays terms. What's not alright though, is Trump having an affair with Marla Maples (getting her pregnant), while married to his first wife, then wanting to smear Hillary Clinton's husband for his behavior. How many women does Trump have non-disclosure contracts with I wonder?? Trump is sue happy if he feels you have slighted him, but can say such untrue and negative things about anyone he thinks is not within his perfect vision. Trumps ideas regarding women are sociopathic. He has said in a taped interview that he had no respect for women - it shows...It's what it is.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you didn't mean this to be political? Part of Donald Trump's business was the beauty pageant world which as the word implies deals with beautiful almost perfect looking women. That Miss Universe woman should have known that she could not gain 40 pounds and still represent the title. I understand that they sign papers agreeing to stay within the weight guidelines as well as other conditions as long as they are representing the pageant. Donald Trump certainly has his flaws some of which are disgusting but as far as I can tell there there are no dead bodies on his way to trying to be president. Look it up if you don't get that. As far as Hillary being investigated for years, as she so aptly said, "what difference does it make" when the liberal news media have protected her from scandals and possible crimes all these years. She is not being blamed for Bill's women problem but the way she tried to destroy the reputation of those women. Both of these candidates are less than moral but one of them will be our president and have the power to change our country. The supreme court nominations are reason enough for me to vote for someone who will keep our country free and recognizable as the place I love to live. And by the way, I guess none of the commenters remember the terrible names you all called Sarah Palin. I suppose it's ok since she is a Republican. Hypocrites?

cllcraft said...

If your husband had an affair(s) would you be sweet and kind to his lover? I would rip her a new one - my words would not be kind to any of them, including my husband. So what would you do to save your marriage? This is not for me to judge another's reasons for such a partnership, but I can tell you that others have chosen to stand and fight instead of crumble. This is like apples and oranges - be kind and uplifting to women, but be even sweeter and speak kinder to your husbands hussy? I think not.....

Anonymous said...

amen and thank you
Andrea in Illinois

scone said...

Right on. If this creep gets in, he'll be tweeting midnight insults at Angela Merkel, Theresa May, the Pope, the Chinese, everybody. He epitomizes the Ugly American. He is Archie Bunker with more money and more lawsuits. Even the conservatives in the GOP are calling this is a nightmare. #NeverTrump.

Stacy Sinibaldi said...


Betsy Speert said...

I have stopped posting the comments as they have started to get more and more heated the closer we get to the election. I really only wanted to address the issue of men not being critical of their own weight when they judge women on their's.

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