Saturday, June 29, 2013

Old Furniture in a New Bedroom

Before I get to today's post.....
I just want to complain about how long it takes to sew rings on draperies!!!!
Lot's of folks just use the drapery hooks, 
but not me....
Oh, No!
I am sewing my niece Miriam's living room draperies, and I want only the best for her.
I just think they look better when the rings are sewn on.
I'm probably wrong.
Well, enough moaning and kvetshing.... 

On to today's gem!!!!!
We have been looking at my buddy, Kris's bedroom.
Next up is her night table.
Up to now, the furniture she's been using for her bedroom has been an old, heavy Scottish beauty.
But, she wanted to go with a lighter feel.
So this behemoth was moved out to the hall.
Now she's complaining about it in the hall.
Next thing I know, it will end up going to auction.
She wanted a less massive feel in her newly designed bedroom.
At the last auction we previewed, I noticed a really nice little table.
The auction was on a day that I had to take my folks to the doctor, so Kris had to go by herself.
We kept in close contact through email on our ipads.
I was able to watch the auction on line.
The auctioneer was going at a snail's pace, and poor Kris was stuck there all alone, bored out of her mind.
BUT, I kept on writing to her, that she better not leave the auction 
without that damn table!!!!!
I just love its shape.
All it needs is a good waxing, and it will be a little star.

Kris wants a chair in her bedroom.
She claims she'll use it to read.....
We all know what chairs are used for in bedroom....
and it ain't reading!!!!!
Actually, that's not fair, 
she does admit that it could be used for clothes throwing.

First we found this chair.....
I love it!!!
It's really girly!!!
It has a bow!!!!
When I re-invent it, it will not be tufted.
And it will be painted....
When we were antiquing a few weeks ago.....
We were in a store that had a nice large bathroom.
In the bathroom was a wonderful 1930's chair.
I am screaming from the bathroom.....
Come look at this chair!!!!!
I didn't have any place in mind for it.
But I love chairs like this.
We got it for 20 bucks.
Kris liked it better than the other chair, 'cuz it's not so "frou frou".
(Those are her words, not mine.)
So, this chair is going in her bedroom, and the other one is going in the guest room.
I keep heaping upholstery projects on my weary old bones.
I hope my body holds out till my projects are done.
We also found a chest of drawers at auction....
I'll show you what I did to it in my next post!!!
Don't you love cliff hangers?????

On that note,
Latah, Gatah


Anonymous said...

I love the "frou frou" chair. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, the little table is adorable. Do you have the missing foot decoration? Will you look for a replacement?

Betsy Speert said...

Yes, the missing brass overlay for the foot was in he drawer. We just have to reattach it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful table! So very graceful without looking ‘spindly’.Love that it will be perfect for many years to come.
And believe it or not, I bought that frou-frou chair( minus the lovely ribbon on top), on eBay as a gift for my friend. It was in perfect condition, local pick-up, and I paid all of $75.
Bunny Williams was once asked in an interview where she finds really wonderful items for good prices, and she advised heading right to consignment stores and estate sales for incredible bargains. She loves the bargains and the quality.! I am so glad that Betsy also believes that you don’t have to have a super deep pocket book to acquire well made, beautiful furniture.It’s another reason why I love your blog, Betsy- I love how you can repurpose the old and make it look better than new again.
I look at my kids’ expensive( for what it is) Pottery Barn case goods and I notice that after a few short years of use..the wear and tear is plainly visible, the furniture can’t be repaired, and it looks ‘shabby’.And I don’t mean shabby chic either..

Connie Nikiforoff Designs said...

I'm waiting for the 'after' results with baited breath! :-) I like the 'frou-frou' chair very much.

Ggomez said...

First I wanna be your best friend!
Second I wanna go to auction with you! Sheesh you get some awesome things! Wish you were in California ,or I could have the $ to visit your area!
That beautiful chair for $20!!! whhhatt awesome!

Janice said...

Betsy - I just love your blog. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels you're talking right to them. Your writing style makes me feel this is also how you'd be if we were having a personal chat. Love the "frou-frou" chair and also like how you bought the chair right out of the ladies room.

Anonymous said...

The froufrou chair looks like something from Beauty and the Beast. it could come to life. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful chairs! And I love, love the chest and can hardly wait to see what you do with it. I have a thing for chests and am always wanting to buy more of them. Shame they take up so much room!

Anonymous said...

I will be excited to see what you do with the 30s chair. I have a similar one, even a similar color, that I've been "thinking" about getting recovered for the past seven years. This might just be the push I need.

Penelope Tucker

Di said...

I love the bow chair goodness I've never seen anything like it. I am now on the hunt!

Beth C. said...

Love all those pieces. Can't wait to see how it all comes together. That chair with the bow is adorable! Best, Beth C.

Charlotte Des Fleurs said...

Hi Betsy,

Too bad you are not in California, I would sew those rings on for you! It is a sickness, I know, but I love to have handwork to do at night while watching TV.

BTW, my $5 needlepoint project is turning into a really complex project because there are no shops near me that carry Tapestry Yarn. Had to go on line to get a DMC Color Conversion Chart. Then went to my local Joann's Fabric store which carries DMC embroidery thread but not Tapestry thread. At Joann's I found the floss colors I needed. Then trapsed back home to order the Tapestry Yarn on line.

Just as I was about to complete the order, my son came over to plant a tree for me. It is hotter than Hades right now so he needed an extra hand. Naturally, by the time I got back inside, the website had timed out. So, back to square one on the order.

This little $5 project is starting to remind me of the French pillows you stenciled for Kris's shop!

Smiles from My Slice of Provence, Charlotte

Mary said...

Love both chairs, and love your blog. I think you are hilarious. I would love to go to an auction with you-or be on the ipad at the same time ;)

You have a great eye and are super talented. I can't wait to see what you do with the pieces.

Looking forward to seeing the draperies with the sewn on rings.

from Virginia

Donnamae said...

Not a froufrou gal myself, but I love that chair! Anxious to see what you have in mind. You said that first chest was Scottish? It's gorgeous! ;)

Lady Courtney said...

Love all the auction finds!! That chair is amazing. I would love to see how you sew the rings on the curtains. Pleated with rings?

Patrick Tan said...

I love the rustic vibe of the chair. It reminds me of our ancestral house. I can also feel the rich memories these furniture witnessed through time.

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